The founder of CHI, Mr. Qi Ye, P.E., is a well-rounded engineer with a broad set of expertise. Qi has nearly three decades of experience in the rehabilitation and retrofit of suspension bridges, fatigue evaluation of steel structures, seismic analysis and design, and design of pedestrian bridges. Furthermore, Qi has extensive experience in designing various deck types for long span bridges, such as the award-winning jointless “floating” grid deck on the Walt Whitman Bridge and steel orthotropic decks on the Bronx-Whitestone, Throgs Neck, and Queensboro Bridges.
Qi has built a team of engineers with experience and talent. In less than five years, CHI has grown from a team of one to a team of eight engineers, almost all of whom have PhD or Master’s Degrees in Civil/Structural Engineering. They possess not only great technical skills, but also an unwavering commitment to their clients. This spirit of innovation and dedication is present in all the challenging projects CHI has completed.